
化学 Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor of 科学 in 化学 Degrees

The world of chemistry can open the door to careers in various industries with exciting opportunities in both practical and research-based fields. Lincoln Memorial University has three undergraduate pathways available to students seeking a chemistry degree. Explore the critical components of chemistry: organic, 无机, 分析, 物理, 和生物化学 Bachelor of 科学 in 化学 在LMU. Or, if education is your calling, the Secondary Teacher Education Licensure program will prepare you to serve your community as a middle school or high school teacher. But suppose you're already looking ahead to professional and graduate programs. In that case, the Bachelor of 科学 in 化学 Pre-Med [link to the new page for the Bachelor of 化学 Pre-Med] 赛道是为你而建的. Pre-medical track students master vital concepts across chemistry and the life sciences, positioning them to excel in masters and doctorate programs in the health sciences and beyond.

准备好开始了? Explore the chemistry degree course curriculums, 听取校友意见, and learn more about the benefits of a chemistry education from LMU below.


化学 Degree Four Year Curriculums

Example First Year Schedule for 化学 Major

* = General Education or Degree Requirement
# = These courses must be passed with at least a C- or better to progress in the program


课程 小时
英语101写作I * 3
UACT 100 Strategies for College Success * 1
普通生物学1 & 实验室*#
(Prerequisite: Successful Completion (C‐ or better) BIOL 100, 英语101课程的安排, OR ACT/SAT reading/verbal score of 23)
普通化学1 & 实验室 #
(Prerequisite: Successful completion (C– or better) of Math 105, 115, or 120, OR Math ACT sub‐score of 23 higher, 秋天)
数学150微积分1 *#
(Prerequisite: Successful completion (C‐ or better) of MATH 120 or ACT sub‐score of 26 or higher)
总学分 16


课程 小时
英语102作文II *
(BIOL 290必修科目)
林肯的一生 & 遗产 * 1
普通生物学2 & 实验室 *#
(Prerequisite: Successful completion (C‐ or better) of BIOL 111 with lab)
化学112一般化学2 & 实验室 *#
(Prerequisite: Successful completion (C‐ or better) of CHEM 111, Spring)
数学250微积分II #
(Prerequisite: successful completion (C‐ or better) of MATH 150 )
总学分 16

See Full Academic 课程 Catalog


  • Faculty-mentored independent 研究的机会
  • High placement rates into professional programs such as Pharmacy
  • 100% employment rate for secondary educators
  • Median salary for Chemists and Material Scientists: $80,680 (US Bureau of 实验室or and Statistics, 2020)
  • 最先进的教室, 实验室, 和LMU 140的设备,000 square-foot Hamilton Math and 科学 Building.


As a chemistry major graduating from LMU, you'll be prepared for continued study at health professional and graduate schools. You may also pursue a career as a health care professional, 专业化学家, 高中教育工作者, 或者工业化学家. Our graduates have a 100% employment rate for educators and high placement rates for graduate and professional programs.


Our students have conducted advanced research in graduate and professional programs across the country. We have students attending the University of Kentucky Dental School, the University of the Appalachia School of Pharmacy, 还有更多!



423.869.6611 杰拉尔德.Branham@mokmingsky.com